We collaborate with schools and colleges to develop leadership capacity of high school, undergraduate, and graduate level students. We believe that it is imperative to support educational institutions to prepare empowered and responsible citizens who can achieve their fullest potential and lead towards our shared vision of a resilient, prosperous, and thriving Nepal. Our leadership courses and workshops help students recognize their personal agency to lead change and work together with their schoolmates and the larger community towards a shared vision, which they also identify and refine during our courses. The courses equip the students with technical and soft skills, including communication skills, relationship building, goal setting, habit mapping, and strategizing for individual and shared goals – tools that they can learn, develop, and utilize beyond their time as a student. 

The leadership courses are based on the LEAD framework designed at Harvard University Center for Public Leadership by NLA’s executive coach Dr. Pukar Malla in collaboration with professors Marshall Ganz and Ronald Heifeitz. They build on globally renowned leadership practices such as adaptive leadership, community organizing, and public narrative. 

Some of our signature courses for students:

i.  Leading from Within

This two day workshop helps students develop an understanding of adaptive leadership, articulate their stories of why they were called to lead, of whom they hope to mobilize, and of what urgent action needs to be taken, and mobilize collective action towards implementing a community based project.

Thames College, August 2018

On August 10 2018, Nepal Leadership Academy conducted a one-day workshop for 30 undergraduate level students from Thames College, Kathmandu. The “Introduction to Adaptive Leadership” course served as a foundation for the globally renowned leadership practices of adaptive leadership, community organizing, and public narrative taught through the Leading Innovation course- one of Nepal Leadership Academy’s signature courses. The workshop helped students understand the basics of adaptive leadership and understand their individual leadership challenges through an adaptive lens.

Ullens School, June 2018 and April 2019

On 6 and 8 June 2018, Nepal Leadership Academy conducted a two-day leadership course at Ullens School with 17 International Baccalaureate  students. The “Leading from Within” course aimed to enable participants to: develop an understanding of adaptive leadership; draft public narratives which could be used for college admissions essays; and mobilize collective action towards implementing a Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) project.

The British School, June 2019

On June 14th and 15th, Nepal Leadership Academy held a 2-day workshop with 12 prefects at The British School, Kathmandu. These student leaders drafted public narratives to utilize as part of their college essay writing process, practiced building intentional relationships with each other and various stakeholders, and created shared strategies to implement community service projects.

ii.  Leading with Your Story

This one day workshop focuses on the art of crafting a narrative founded on shared values and emotions to articulate one’s call to leadership, connect with each other, and inspire people to join in action. Leading with Your Story enables participants to craft a Story of Self to connect oneself with the team; a Story of Us to connect the team members with each other; and a Story of Now to mobilize the team to a call to action.

iii.  Leading Strategic Collaboration

This one day workshop is designed to help students learn the art of collaborating for a shared purpose. Students will realize how through collaboration they can achieve much more than the sum of their individual efforts. The workshop will equip students with practical skills to create a shared strategy to meet their shared goals. This is especially beneficial to student leaders- captains, prefects, class and club representatives- to be able to create and mobilize their leadership teams.

iv.  Thinking Outside the box: Taking the Leader-ship

This is one of our longer workshops especially designed for high school students. It addresses the common leadership challenges of all high school students and aims to develop internal agency in each student to exercise leadership. It works in tandem with the school – curriculum to enable students to not only take ownership of their own lives but also create impact in their communities. It seeks to empower students to meet the diverse challenges of school life, from educational to emotional, and take charge of their academics and extracurricular activities. It also seeks to enable students to collaborate with each other to move towards a shared purpose and equip students with skills such as time and energy management, goal setting, habit mapping, and strategizing to accomplish any individual or shared goal. Finally, it will enable students to understand themselves better and make informed decisions about life and career.

v.  Sailing through SEE

This one day workshop is designed to address the immediate needs of the grade X students preparing for the SEE examinations. The workshop will enable the SEE candidates to identify the barriers to excelling in the examinations and induce behavioral change required to overcome the barriers. Students will set their SEE goals, visualize them, make them SMART, and develop an effective strategy to make sure those goals are met. In the process, they will form new habits that will not only enable them to accomplish their SEE goals but also prepare them to achieve their larger personal and career goals.

Ullens School, September 2019

On September 15th 2019, Nepal Leadership Academy hosted the ‘Sailing through the SEE’ workshop at Ullens for 57 of its 10th grade students. The coaching team of six emphasized on imparting key skills around challenge dissection, habit formation and change, SMART goal setting, and strategizing for the achievement of said goals. In smaller groups, the students worked on creating strategies to tackle their real-time challenges to their SEE aspirations. 

vi.  Building Intentional Relationships

This one day workshop is designed to help school students learn the art of building strong relationships within new and old circles to create synergies and lead through shared values. In the workshop, participants will learn and practice concrete steps towards building intentional relationships with individuals in their personal, educational, and professional spheres. They will also be able to identify and associate with common values, interests, and resources amongst their current and future teams. Students will realize how these relationships play a defining role in their educational and professional successes and personal wellbeing, and have the agency to shape them.