Narrative Impact: Storytell Your Way Into College



Designed at the Harvard University’s Center for Public Leadership, “Narrative Impact: Storytell Your Way Into College” workshop seeks to identify and address adaptive challenges through impactful and personal storytelling. Addressing the urgent needs of students transitioning to undergraduate or postgraduate education, this workshop enables students to influence the audience through stories, particularly the college application essay.

In an ever-changing world leadership challenges are complex and difficult to identify. But how often do we look onto ourselves to identify such challenges? How do we dissect such challenges to have a clarity of thought? How do these affect us in our future endeavours and broader goals? As applicants for undergraduate and postgraduate studies, how do we address it in terms of application essays, personal statements, and later college essays?

We make choices through our stories. We understand our moral and intellectual compass through our stories. We engage in the uncertainty and speak of unique experiences through our stories. Stories show us the courageous ways to act in times that require a negotiation of personal purpose. Our emotions are involved in our stories, especially when applying for colleges. At NLA, we believe that emotions from stories define our values, help us identify our challenges and eventually translate our choices into action.

Any program that seeks to lead, influence and organize people will have a narrative binding people. A powerful narrative on any issue is underpinned by clarity of thought and action on the storyteller’s part. Clear narrative is clear thinking and reviewing impactful stories provide a unique set of skills to any student. Thus, narrative skills, especially public narrative skills manifest not only as a potent communication tool, but also a powerful and poignant leadership tool.

Through the learning and practice of the Public Narrative framework, one developed by professor Marshall Ganz of Harvard University and used by world leaders like Barack Obama, the “Narrative Impact: Storytell Your Way Into College” workshop empowers participants to tell their own personal story impactfully and get to the desired outcome, including getting into the college of their choice. 

The theoretical aspects of the course will be learned through case-in-point approach, which creates a laboratory-like condition so that the behaviors of course participants provide real-time data for learning about different elements of leadership. Using this method, participants will develop analytical skills to recognize personal and shared values, as well as create action options to actualize their visions of college applications or essays. 

We offer the Narrative Impact Courses regularly. Please fill out this form to express your interest and we will get back to you. For any queries, please call us at 01-5549899 or email us at [email protected]. Visit our Facebook page- for information on the upcoming course.


“I used concrete application of leadership course learning in life especially during applications for scholarship in universities. I wrote applications on the framework of Story of Self, Us and Now.”

Aman Shrestha, past “Chevening Scholar” at Durham University, UK


“I found the Public Narrative course to be a useful guide to constructing stories well and to better connect with the audience when conveying story orally or in written. I utilized the framework during my application process for structuring my personal essay (for college) and expressing my story in an effective and impactful manner.”

Yashaswee Malla, New York University (NYU) in Abu Dhabi


Watch this video where we put the Public Narrative framework in practice to analyze what makes Harry Potter one of the most influential stories of our era.

Narrative Impact: Set Yourself Apart In Job Interviews

Any job that seeks to lead, influence and organize will have a narrative story binding people. A powerful narrative on any issue is underpinned by clarity of thought and action on the storyteller’s part. Clear narrative is clear thinking and reviewing impactful stories provide a unique set of skills to any university student seeking to transfer their academic capabilities to the job market. Thus, narrative skills, especially public narrative skills manifest not only as a potent communication tool, but also a powerful and poignant leadership tool.

Designed at the Harvard University’s Center for Public Leadership, the “Narrative Impact: Set Yourself Apart In Job Interviews” course seeks to identify and address adaptive challenges through impactful and personal storytelling. Students looking to transition from college and universities to full-time jobs will always be tested on their narrative skills – be it as part of job applications or interviews. This workshop empowers participants to tell their own personal story impactfully and get to the desired outcome, including getting their dream job.

We offer the Narrative Impact Courses regularly. Please fill out this form to express your interest and we will get back to you. For any queries, please call us at 01-5549899 or email us at [email protected]. Visit our Facebook page- for information on the upcoming course.